Since you’re stuck at home like the rest of us, you’re likely noticing your surroundings more.  You’re kitchen table is being used for so much more than just the 3 squares a day.  It’s your kids’ classroom and your Zoom room too. 

If you’re anything like me, your space affects your mood, your ability to relax and your ability to get things done.

Here’s a simple process to help you create a workspace you love, can be productive in, right in your home.

  1. Pick a dedicated space in your home you can use as an office (a spare room, the little used dining room are good choices since they usually have some natural light. A basement room may give you the peace you need)
  2. Start by sitting in the middle of your room on the floor
  3. Tune into and evaluate how you feel in your space

What’s your stress level on a scale of 1-10?  Are you feeling anxiety?  Depression?  If the answer is ‘yes’ to any of these, ask yourself why?  Is it because you’re surrounded by clutter?  Is it because the top of your desk or table is full of paper, bills and other things you have to attend to? Is it because the closet is jammed full of stuff you don’t need, wear or even want,  anymore?

Colour Affects Our Mood

Next, notice the colour on your walls. How do you feel about it? How is the colour affecting you? Do you still love it or does it need to be changed to something more soothing and calming, or a colour that resonates with your soul?

Paint colour can make a big difference in the overall ‘feel’ of a room, it can have a powerful impact on your overall mood AND it’s a relatively inexpensive change to make.

Here are a few colour suggestions:  If you want to be more creative in your space, choose a pale purple. If you want to feel calm and relaxed in your space, choose the colour of water, a calming blue or pale green with a shade of turquoise you love as an accent colour.

The Floor – the Foundation upon Which You Rest

Now pay close attention to the floor you’re sitting on.

Is it carpeting that has been there for years?  Is it worn and in need of replacing?  Maybe it just needs a really good cleaning?

If you’re sitting on hardwood or tile, and find it cold, maybe all that’s needed to make a huge difference in your space is a rug which will add warmth, texture and maybe some coordinated colour to your space.

Adding a new rug or deep cleaning an existing one is another inexpensive way to add bliss to your home office.


Rearranging your furniture can make a big difference in how you feel in your office.

Maybe you don’t like your back to the door or to the window and want to turn your desk so that you’re facing the window and can look outside.  Find what works best for you.

If you have space in your room create a reading nook in the corner so when you want to take a break you can sit in a comfy chair and rejuvenate.

If your furniture is in good shape but you no longer care for the colour, consider painting it. You can add stick and peel wallpaper to it if you’d prefer a pattern.  You can change hardware to give it a makeover. Reupholster chairs or utilize slipcovers you love to add colour and texture.  

These are simple Do-It-Yourself projects that will make things look new and refreshed and add BLISS to your space.

Light Up Your Soul

Finally, is the room you’re sitting in dark and depressing? 

Lighting, and in particular natural light, plays a big role in creating atmosphere in your space and will make a difference in how you feel in it.

Directing more light into darkened corners, and lightening your mood, may be as simple as rearranging furniture, adding a lamp or two, changing out existing light fixtures or just adding softer 60 watt bulbs. 

Window dressings and blinds can also make a difference and give you ultimate control in the light level, along with adding beauty, texture, colour and a finished look.  Window dressings are the crowning touch on any room.   

Final touch:  a task lamp on your desk, preferably one with a dimmer control so you have exactly the right amount of light you need to get the job done regardless of how little natural light is shining through your window.

3-2-1 Declutter your space:

If this step gives you anxiety and the job seems too involved, tackle one part at one time.  Set a goal to complete each task even if it means scheduling time in your calendar to get it done. 

Feeling overwhelmed?  Consider meditating before you start to prepare yourself mentally for the decluttering process. 

Need a little pep talk?  Give yourself one.  Meet yourself in the mirror and convince yourself that what you’re about to do is for the greater good.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  1. A box for keepers
  2. A box for donations
  3. A garbage bag for junk

Decide what you use daily.  That goes in the Keeper box.   Decide what you don’t need but is useable, consider donating that.  Everything else is garbage.

Remove as much as possible from your home office. 

Focus on the desktop or tabletop first.  Eliminate all excess paper and handle each item and then file every important item away or toss it.


If you need extra storage, add shelves or shelving unites to walls, add a credenza behind your desk and consider baskets, bins or a filing cabinet in the closet for your important papers and bills.

I’m personally partial to floating shelves.  They add a lovely finishing touch.

Keep It Clean

When it’s time to clean and polish, try using natural cleaning products. There are plenty of natural concoctions on the internet.


Don’t leave your walls bare.  Add some colourful art, frame photos you’ve taken, add floating shelves, get an inspirational quote that you love. Pillows, a rug, plants and flowers, an oil diffuser, a salt lamp, aromatic candles – these are all ways to add décor, warmth and bliss to your office.  


Aesthetics is one thing but on the other hand, there’s the budget to consider.  Set a budget and decide where you want to invest your money AFTER you’ve gone through the rest of your house to see if there’s anything you can pilfer and use in your office.

I hope you’ve found these tips helpful and that they help you get started in creating your Blissful Home Office.

Of course, if you’d like some guidance with customizing your Home Office, then I’d love to chat.  Contact me today for your ‘Create Your Sanctuary’ Free Consultation.  We’ll discuss your project, your budget and solutions that feel right for you.

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